Friday, May 22, 2009

Hi, I just finished doing the rug in the loft with the Bessel... I have my exercise equipment up there on the second floor, a tread mill, a sit on your butt bike thing, a twister chair that's interesting and a bench with free weights and oh yes a thing that tries to bend you in half you lay on; it’s a good place to take a snooze. Well it's up and running so to speak and I haven't hung any cloths on it yet but I did dust them all off…Now my only excuse is the rug is drying so I came down and sat at the computer and then started a fight with my Internet provider. I had to get the damn thing back on line and with the phone and TV and ISP well they have to reset the damn thing. What a pain in the "butt" that is. It’s an exercise in itself answering the twenty questions twenty times before you actually get a human voice to ask them again. I didn't mind though the girl sounded kind of nice and was fun to talk to. How is the art coming along? I’m doing fairly well considering oil paint that is (talk about another pain in the ass) I did make a find the other day getting some real Lenin canvas to stretch. I blew up a painting... well scrapped it as a lost cause and tried to salvage the cotton canvas by stripping off the paint. Well you can't get it all off and I primed the canvas again with some titanium white and linseed oil and the old stuff burned back through ghosting an image so I decided to scrap the canvas. Now the stretch frame is still OK so I went to our local paint store; a real down home joint struggeling to stay alive. Well this old guy and me, we rummaged around in the back room till we came up with the only roll of Lining he had. Evidently Lining never rots like the cotton canvas you get today (it only last 100 years) So I figured I'd do something that will last as long as Michael Angelo's stuff just for kicks. Now to find some subject worthy of that canvas.... this stuff was $28 bucks a yard somewhat heavy there but I'm saving the old frame and will have enough to do another with what's left over. While we were rummaging around in the back room I spotted two pieces of barn board in real rough shape.... perfect for a frame on one of my pieces. It's gray and full on character and nail holes and splits from 60 years ago or better. Now to figure out how to use the stuff and keep the look clean not showing any raw edges. this stuff is a little thin also only about 3/8 to a 1/2 inch thick and the canvas is 3/4's so I have to back it up with probably a 1 X 3 or 4 to thicken up the frame to take the canvas. Interesting problem... I might just look around for some more "old wood" rather than new stock to keep the thing cool looking. Well getting time for Deb to start on her way home so I have to get dinner ready.... I made a real nice meatloaf last night and tonight I'll add onion gravy and do some rice and green beans.... What a life... QQps the cat wants to be fed... she is clawing my leg as I type.... persistent little…. HY